Friday, February 8, 2008

Another one of those dreams

Date: Feb. 2, 2008 (Saturday)
Mood: Tipsy
The Dream

I had a dream about Luke. We were on a car with some friends. Then I took his phone and started looking at his messages. I saw a sweet message from a girl so I started freaking out. Then I found out it’s another fling of his. I went down the car and ran. Then I woke up.

I don’t want this to happen again. I told him a little bit about my dream not all though. Then I told him if it happened again for the third time I swear I will not be solving our issue anymore. I’m done. I’m not going to be the one always running after him every fling he have and act like nothing happened. Not for the third time.

Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me twice shame on me
Fool me three times, I’m stupid

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